2024-05-22 11:23:37
0元注冊公司 · 工商變更 · 公司注銷 · 地址掛靠
好順佳經工商局、財稅局批準的工商財稅代理服務機構,專業正規可靠 點擊0元注冊
The minimum capital requirement for registering a Hong Kong company is HK$10,000, which does not need to be actually paid in or undergo a capital verification process。這意味著您可以在注冊香港公司時指定任意數額的注冊資本,但建議注冊資本不宜過高,以免日后股權轉讓產生高額稅費。
Every Hong Kong-registered company is required to have a registered address and a company secretary who is either a Hong Kong permanent resident or a Hong Kong company。這些事項通常由專業的代理機構負責提供。
All Hong Kong companies must engage in legitimate business activities。這意味著在注冊香港公司時,你需要確保你的業務計劃是符合法律法規的,并且能夠在實際運營過程中遵守相關規定。
When choosing a name for your Hong Kong company, you should ensure that it is not already in use and that it complies with the naming conventions set by the Hong Kong government. This typically involves avoiding certain sensitive words and using appropriate industry-related terminology。
The scope of business for a Hong Kong company is generally unrestricted, except for those activities that require prior approval. You can choose to engage in various industries such as trade, finance, technology, and more。
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