2022-07-07 10:07:28
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錯誤錯誤錯誤, Wangchuanchang Street, Wanghailou Street, Xinkaihe Street, Crescent River Street, Hongqiao District: Tingzigu, Jieda Hutong Street, around Hongqiao, Jieyuan Street, Lingdangge Street, Shuanghuan Village Street, Yugongzhuang Street, Santiaoshi Street, Xianyang North Road Street, Xiyuzhuang Street, Xigu Street Tanggu District: Beitang Street, Bohai Oil Street, Dongdagu Street, Daliangzi Street, Dagu Street, Gonggong Village Street, Hangzhou Road Street, Hu Jiayuan Street, Jiefang Road Street, Sanhuai Road Street, Dongli District: Chitu Town, Chenglin Street, Dabizhuang Town, Carpet Road, Dongli Lake, surrounding areas of Dongli, Fengnian Village Street, Huaming Town, Jintang Road, Junliang City, Jinzhong Street, Jinqiao Street, Airport Economic Zone Xiqing District: Dasi, Houtai, Jingwu, Li Qizhuang, Qingbowa, Wangwenzhuang, Xinkou, Xiyingmen Street Beichen District: Beicang, Beichen Surroundings, Dazhangzhuang Town, Orchard New Village, Hongguang Farm, Jixianli, Jinjing Road Street, Jiarongli Street, Pudong Street, Qingguang Jinnan District: Xianshuigu, Shuanggang, Balitai, Beizhakou, Development zones around Gegu, Shuangqiaohe, Xiaozhan, Xinzhuang and Jinnan: Binhai 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, 4th Street, 5th Street, Kunpeng Street, Sino-Singapore Eco-city, Dagang District around the development zone: Gulin Street Gangxi, Haibin, Shengli Street, Century Avenue, Taiping, Xiaowangzhuang, Yingbin Street, Yingxin Street, Zhongtang Hangu District: Hangu Street, Zhaishang Street, Chadian Street, Yangjiabo Town, Datian River, Xitianhua Salt Field, Wuqing District, Yingcheng: Chagugang Town, Shangmatai Town, Wangqingtuo Town, Xiazhuzhuang Street, Xuguantun Street, Yangcun Street Financial Audit: The financial audit process can be divided into the following steps: review, approval and authorization, Audit preparation, preliminary investigation, analytical procedures and compliance testing, substantive testing and scrutiny, audit findings and audit recommendations, audit reports, follow-up audits, audit evaluations, audit files. Enterprise annual report: The industry and commerce annual report is a publicity system for the enterprise annual report organized by the industry and commerce department. Through the annual report of industry and commerce, the public and partners can understand the operation of the enterprise and ensure the safety of transactions; and through the annual report of industry and commerce, the enterprise can show the strength of the enterprise and the image of honest operation to the outside world, which is conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise. Company registration: Let us take Tianjin as an example to introduce the company registration process. 1. Approval name operation: determine the company type, name, registered capital, shares出資比例確定后,在線提交核名申請。 2、報送材料操作:名稱審核通過后,將在線提交高管人員信息及業務范圍進行預申請。網上預審通過后,按預約時間向工商局提交申請材料。結果:收到批準設立注冊的通知。 3、領證操作:攜帶批準登記通知書,到工商局領取營業執照原件及復印件。結果是營業執照。 4、其他事項的操作:憑營業執照,到點辦理:公司公章、財務章、合同章、法定代表人章、印章。至此,一個已經完成。 1、公司注冊:我們以天津為例介紹一下公司注冊流程。 (一)名稱核準操作:確定公司類型、名稱、注冊資本、股東及出資比例后,在線提交名稱核準申請。 (二)報送材料操作:名稱審核通過后,在線提交執行人信息及業務范圍進行預申請。網上預審通過后,按預約時間向工商局提交申請材料。結果:收到批準設立注冊的通知。 (三)領證操作:攜帶設立登記批準通知書,到工商局領取營業執照原件及復印件。結果是營業執照。 (四)其他事項的操作:憑營業執照,到點辦理:公司公章、財務章、合同章、法定代表人章、印章。至此,一個已經完成。 2、會計報稅完成后,需要先辦理納稅申報,注冊時需要提供會計師信息(包括姓名、聯系電話)。從公司成立后一個月起,會計師需要每月記賬和報稅。企業準備資料并報專管辦后,稅務局將對企業繳納的稅種、稅率、納稅申報時間、企業稅務專管員進行核實。今后,企業將申報并繳納稅務部門批準的稅款。 3、繳納社保后,需在30日內到所在地區所轄社保局開立公司社保賬戶,申領《社保登記證》和CA證書,并簽訂三方協議社保和銀行。 4、申請稅控,企業如要開業,需申請稅控員,參加稅控使用培訓,審批通過應用程序。完成申請后,企業可以error
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